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The agony of wait

There is something so agonizing about waiting. The Wait. Those few minutes, days, years of anticipation for whatever is coming next. The wait for the next subway train, the wait on the next subway train until you reach your destination, the wait for the destination to be revealed. What is it that eats away at you, feeds your insomnia, makes you want to implode just to be able to know? If you just knew the outcome, Wait would be more bearable. Because then you could just carry on about your current life with a sigh of relief that the inevitable will indeed happen. You will either pass or fail, and you can plan out your entire life accordingly.

God knows what is at the end of the Wait, right?..Rumi said He drew a circle. So why doesn't He just put us out of our frustration and tell us? Or, is He, is the Universe, screaming at the top of its lungs to a def person? The person is so busy panicking, asking every other person on the train which stop is next. If only she could breathe long enough to look at the route map posted above every exit door. If only she could hear, "The doors are about to open. Please stand clear of the doors."

The agony of Wait is like a straight jacket. It forces you to stop running, at least long enough to prepare, to stretch your legs for when the doors open..because then life will be a sprint as usual. It doesn't matter what's coming, you'll be ready. Use the Wait, take that time to listen for the Conductor's voice. It won't be long until your stop is announced.

Photo by Jeffrey Czum from Pexels